About Us

NBC Media Network Guarantee Limited is a registered Company registered with the Registrar of Companies on 20th March 2012, under the registration No: 3249 and operating in Vavuniya town of the Northern peninsular. While it’s main office is located at No.60, Old Bus Stand, UpStair Building, Kandy Road, Vavuniya, branch offices are at 57, W.A.Silva Mawatha, Wellawatte, Colombo 06 , No. 160, 2nd Cross Street, Jaffna. (Online Media) ASAL FM, ASAL TV, SOLAI FM, SOLAI TV, UDHIRAN FM, NAMNADU and N-REPORT NEWS Media organizations are functioning under the NBC Media Network Guarantee Limited.

We have acquired sufficient experience in broadcasting balanced and credible news in all above mentioned Medias. Social service media has not been successful in disseminating balanced credible web news resulting in Public being misled. Might is not always right, but right is might. Hence, to fill this gap NBC Media Network Guarantee Limited proposed to establish its own website and provide credible news in all three languages, English, Tamil and Sinhala. Experienced news Editors and Reporters have been identified. Island wide news reporters have been listed and news received will be cross checked for its truthfulness and authenticity. Our web news composition will be:

Day to day – current news 20%
National News 20%
Education and Health News 20%
Development & /Business News 10%
Foreign News 10%
Sports News 10%
Entertainment & inventions 10%

This will be the guidelines given to our news editors. All web news of NBC Media Network Guarantee Limited will be in accordance with the Media Ethics given by the Ministry of Media.


Aboothahir Nafees BA (Journalism)
Chairman / MD
NBC Media Network Guarantee Limited.

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